Gundam, Gundam and Gundam! (It will never fit everythin in the suitcase …)
Saturday 29, we have done great things, starting with visiting the park of the Golden Pavilion (since the pavilion itself is not open). My brother warned me, but it’s true: it’s a disappointing strand. The park is beautiful, wonderfully maintained, the lodge itself is impressive, although relatively small. But it’s …
Umbrella collection…
The birthday meal Sushi, sushi and sushi! Mountains of sushi!
For the last part of our trip, we’re back in Kyoto. We took possession of our new home, a traditional house where it is not too cold and provides more space (it’s really a luxury). We visit the Tofukuji and the Zen garden. Again we had the site almost just …
We have received our seals in Kyoto. They are really beautiful
We left Miyajima in the pouring rain after visiting a Buddhist temple, armed with our umbrellas. We have then taken the ferry and train to find Jehan, a Japanese courses colleague before our accommodations. The room is really small this time. In the Edo Sakura Tokyo, it was already not …
Today is a day of large displacements: leaving the big city of Tokyo, to dive in the deep south, Miyajima and Hiroshima. And when I say “dive in” I mean in the literal sense, because in the next two days is expected to rain continuously. So far we have been …
Since he tested it again Xim is crazy for mochi, these small dessert of sticky rice dough and red bean cream (azuki). In Osaka, he has finally found (the quest was delicate in Tokyo: few o’mochi in stores). Itadakimasu!